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Oophorectomy is a surgery to remove one or both ovaries. It is also referred to as ovariectomy.

What Is Oophorectomy?

An oophorectomy may be performed in cases of:

  • Cancers
  • Abscesses or cysts
  • Benign tumors
  • Torsion- a twisting of the ovaries

In some cases, this treatment may be used to prevent cancer. There are two types: Minimally Invasive Laparoscopy and Open Surgery (Laparotomy).

a person in a hospital bed
a hand holding a pink pen
a person holding a needle
a close-up of a hand with writing on it

What To Expect


If you are pregnant or are considering having a child, an oophorectomy removing your ovaries will prevent your ability to become pregnant.


During the laparotomy, the oophorectomy is performed by making one large incision in the lower abdomen. The surgeon then separates the ovary from the blood supply and the tissues surrounding it then removing the ovary.

The minimally invasive option does the same thing using small instruments inserted through 3-4 very small incisions. In this scenario, the surgeon uses a camera and a 3-d monitor to view the tissues and to guide the surgical instruments vs. performing the surgery manually.

Results & Recovery

After your procedure via laparotomy has been completed, the abdominal incision will be sutured and you will be moved from the surgical suite to a recovery area. Because open surgery requires a larger incision, you may need more time to recover before returning home as opposed to minimally invasive procedures that are performed on an outpatient basis. Common side effects and risks after surgery include pain, irritation, bleeding and infection at the surgical site. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s guidance completely and seek care immediately if you experience severe pain or bleeding.

If you’re experiencing a health emergency, please dial 911. If you get the minimally invasive option, the surgery may be performed on an outpatient basis, but the types of side effects and risk would remain mostly unchanged. The minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery involves fewer risks and side effects and has less cosmetic impact than scarring due to open surgery (laparotomy).

How Advanced Gynecology Can Help

Our dual board-certified surgeons and specialists are here for you. If you'd like to learn more about oophorectomy or any other gynecological service, contact one of our patient coordinators today to book an appointment or to request more information from our care team.

For more information, schedule an appointment today or call 678-263-0280 to speak with one of our patient coordinators.

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