Everything you need to know about Overactive Bladder (OAB)

Waking up multiple times at night to pee or feeling an urgency to go during the day can be signs of overactive bladder. You may experience leakage or feel like you have to go again shortly after visiting the bathroom. … Read More

Menopause and Your Mental Health

Menopause is a process that can take years – learn more about menopause and mental health at Advanced Gynecology.

Understanding the connection between mental health and menopause starts with understanding the effects that menopause has on the body and the mind and how those changes can affect things like mood and overall mental health.

Do Natural Remedies for UTIs Work?

If you’re currently experiencing the telltale signs of a urinary tract infection – burning when you urinate, dark or discolored urine, abdominal or low back pain – you may be wondering if you can cure this without seeing a doctor. Read on to see why you should always consult a physician before beginning any type of self-treatment for UTI.

September is PCOS Awareness Month

If you’re starting to see people in the Atlanta area wearing teal ribbons, you may be wondering what cause they are supporting. September is PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Awareness Month. This is a fairly common condition that affects between 10-15% of women worldwide.

So what, exactly is PCOS?

What You Need to Know About Treating Fibroids

Learn about treating fibroids and how Advanced Gynecology can help

Many women suffer from common uterine fibroids, and there are a lot of conversations about whether it’s safe to take matters into your own hands and treat yourself. We don’t recommend beginning any type of treatment regimen before consulting a qualified medical professional.

Low Libido: Symptom or Medical Condition?

Low Libido: Symptom or Medical Condition?

Learn about low sex drive and what to look for when it comes to HSDD as well as when to talk to a doctor in this blog from Advanced Gynecology

Everyone is aware of the ad campaigns for drugs like Cialis and Viagra — often full of embarrassingly contrived innuendo. Men’s sexual health is a common subject for pharmaceutical advertisers, but what about women’s sexual health? Is low libido a symptom of other issues or its own medical condition? There’s no easy “Yes” or “No” answer.